Junior Palomera
P h o t o g r a p h y

Well, it's my second semester of Junior year and the first assignment back is "Sports." I have shot a lot of pictures for a variety of the schools teams. The first day I found out about this picture, Rafa said he brought his skateboard and that he could do some tricks on the board for our shots. I got some shot but I honestly didn't think they were the best. There wasn't much light behind the bleachers so my pictures from there look dull. Yesterday the class went in front of the PAC where we took pictures of Rafa, Jared and even Mr. Gallegos riding the board and doing some tricks. Some people wanted to take close up pictures of the guys on the board, but I decided that I wanted to get the subjects in the air. I chose these pictures because I like the way they are posed in the air and unlike the first time I took Rafa's pictures they are well lighted, maybe too much light...
Best Friend Photography

I would classify myself as an introvert because I prefer to keep to myself and avoid conversations, which is why photography is such a fun hobby for me. I do my best to be an extrovert by engaging my classmates in conversation and cracking jokes, but when it comes to going out in public or with strangers I tend to just clam up. For this assignment I mustered up the courage to go up to people I didn't know and got the shots I needed. This assignment has shown me that being social will benefit me in future assignments and help me out as a person. I enjoyed this weeks topic because I got to take shots of people in their natural states since they were with their friends and not just them smiling at a camera all alone. Another thing that I did was pose the people and try to make them comfortable with me so they would loosen up and act more natural.
Gel Portraits

For this assignment the class had to shoot "Gel Portraits." Portrait photography is my favorite subject to shoot. I enjoy when we work with gels because you can create different effects in your pictures like shadows or just changing the color of the gels to get different mixtures. When Esme was the model it was a bit difficult to get shots at first because there were so many people fighting to get their shots in the middle. Once most of the people left I went in the middle and started getting my own shots. I liked when she looked into my camera but I preferred to make her look near the lights so that the light would shine off of her eyes.

For this assignment we had to take pictures of "Architecture," but since we are in Chula Vista there aren't many tall buildings unless you go to Downtown. I wasn't able to go to Downtown to take pictures but I had to take pictures of the biggest building available to us, the PAC. I tried being a little creative by tilting the camera and going behind the fence to add more lines to the pictures, but you can only do so much with one building.
Still life

I didn't get any good shots outside so I went inside and used to studio to setup shots. I went to the cafeteria to get some apples to implement into my pictures, but when I cam back people were crowded around the studio stealing my shots. It is one of my biggest pet peeves when people steal my shots that I set up. They do no work to think of these ideas and then just have the audacity to come behind and take a quick picture of my subjects. I tried to think of different things I could do to create "Still Life" so I just used different items from around the classroom.
Depth of Field

For this assignment I tried to be more creative and set people up in the hallway, where I could increase the aperture and slowly make the people farther away come into focus. I didn't have enough time to experiment so I just took pictures of this plant in the Veterans garden as a back up for now.
Flash Photography

This assignment was random but cool. We worked with flash in the class before, but we never tried manipulating light to make cool effects. Gallegos showed us some methods that others used to capture certain styles of pictures and released us to roam around the school. Garibay suggested that we go to the PAC because there was decent lighting in there and lots of opportunities for good pictures. These pictures are cool, but are very hard to get. I tried my best to recreate the pictures when I messed up to better my shots. This was a cool assignment that I enjoyed and hope to have more unique assignments like these.
The Face

I had to go out and take pictures of specifically, people's faces. Most people I went up to were very hesitant when I approached them and asked them to take their picture, up close. After being persistent and complimenting 'my victim', they would eventually allow me to take pictures of them and end up relaxing around me. I made some jokes to make them laugh and get more emotion out of them, but it didn't work out well when Esmeralda modeled for me. She tried to hide her smile and when she did laugh or smile, she covered it up quickly which resulted in monotone photos. Three of the pictures of Esme are a bit harsh on her skin since it is so white, but I was too lazy to correct my mistakes on Photoshop.
High School Life

CVHS Backdoor


For this assignment I had Ellie pose for me even though she was a bit reluctant. She eventually let me take pictures so I took advantage and gave her some poses. This assignment was pretty simple for me since I have worked with clearing out the background before. I like the effect of the all white background because it makes it look really clean and make the colors on the model pop out.